Slegs beskikbaar in Roosmaryn en Akasia (RMR)
Geformuleer as ‘n haarmasker kan hierdie formulasie op verskeie maniere voordeel inhou. In klein hoeveelhede is dit geskik om dit as ‘n in-los opknapper te gebruik. In winter tye of as jou hare baie droog is kan opknapper mildelik oor nat hare aangewend word, kam dit vir ‘n tyd deur, spoel af en droog normaal.
Only available in Rosemary and Acacia (RMR)
Formulated as a hair mask, this formulation can be beneficial in several ways. In small quantities it is suitable to use as a leave-in conditioner. In winter times or if your hair is very dry, conditioner can be applied liberally to wet hair, comb through for a while, rinse and dry normally.
Sulfaatvrye Opknapper / Sulphate Free Conditioner 200ml
SKU: 0014
200 Milliliters